FDS+Evac tools

User's Guides

In this page you can find the links to all on-line user's guide about FDS+Evac. If you want more details about this software I suggest you to visit the following official web pages:

User's Guides for FDS 6 (by NIST)

Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS) is a solver that allows users to simulate smoke and heat transport from fires with large-eddy simulation (LES) code for low-speed flows.

    1. FDS User's Guide

    2. FDS Technical Reference Guide

    3. FDS Verification Guide

    4. FDS Validation Guide

    5. FDS Configuration Management Plan

User's Guides for SMV 6 (by NIST)

Smokeview (SMV) is a post-processor that allows users to visualize the output of FDS simulations.

    1. SMV User's Guide

    2. SMV Technical Reference Guide

    3. SMV Verification Guide

User's Guides for FDS+Evac (by VTT)

FDS+Evac is a module of FDS that allows users to simulate evacuation processes with the movement of agents in evacuation situations. 

    1. FDS+evac User's Guide
    2. Evacuation Examples

Unofficial User's Guides

    1. An introduction to Fire Simulation with FDS and Smokeview by Emanuele Gissi

    2. How to create and run a basic Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS) input file from Youtube channel by Kristopher Overholt (in this channel you can find other videos about FDS and SMV)

Case Studies

Lovreglio, Ruggiero, Enrico Ronchi, and Dino Borri. "The validation of evacuation simulation models through the analysis of behavioural uncertainty." Reliability Engineering & System Safety 131 (2014): 166-174.

Lovreglio, Ruggiero, et al. "A dynamic approach for the impact of a toxic gas dispersion hazard considering human behaviour and dispersion modelling." Journal of hazardous materials 318 (2016): 758-771.