FDS+Evac tools

About Ruggiero Lovreglio

Hello! My name is Ruggiero Lovreglio. I am currently a Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Auckland (New Zealand). My research embeds:

- Decision-Making during Emergencies;
- Evacuation and Pedestrian Modelling;
- Human Behavior in Fire and Earthquakes;
- Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality (Oculus, VIVE, Unity)
- Data Collection and Data Analysis (R, MATLAB, SPSS, Ngene);
- Discrete Choice Analysis (Biogeme, Nlogit);
- Applied statistics for Medial Image Analysis.

I hold a PhD from Scuola Interpolitecnica di Dottorato, Politecnico di Bari, Politecnico di Milano and Politecnico di Torino (Italy). My studies embed Human Behaviour in Fire and Evacuation Modelling. During my PhD, I have investigated evacuee decision-making by using discrete choice modelling. This goal was achieved by analysing data from stated preferences (i.e. Virtual Reality Experiments) and revealed preferences (i.e. Real and Virtual Reality Experiments).

I have published several papers on Evacuation Modelling and Human Behaviour in Fire as you can see on my Publications page. At the moment I am also reviewer for many International Journals in different fields, such as fire, safety and simulation research, applied mathematics and transportation modelling  (e.g.  Fire Safety Journal, Fire Technology, Transportation Research Part A, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, Physica A, Physics Letters A, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Population and Environment, ...).

My publications are the result of collaborations with several universities, institutions and companies such as MIT (US), Lund University (Sweden), Edinburgh University (UK), National Research Council Canada, NIST (US). Please visit my Collaborations page for a comprehensive list of them.

I am keen about programming and video analysis and develops useful pieces of software using MATLAB, C#, VB.NET (have a look at some application in the Gallery page). I also develop websites and on-line applications and questionnaires using PHP, JavaScript (Ajax) and SQL (see my Programming pages). I have also experience as webmaster.

If you are interested in programming for engineering solutions and you want to share information on modelling, do not hesitate to contact me at lovreglio.ruggiero@gmail.com.

For more information about me, visit my website.